Do you think healthy eating should be a right, responsibility, or a privilege?

Healthy eating should be a right of ALL humans. Our country has protection agencies who are supposed to be the voice of the citizens, such as the FDA, who are expected to ensure that the food we eat is produced and manufactured safely. It seems that the interest is centered around money, business, and efficiency, rather than the well being of the people. Prior to watching this video, I knew that many government departments are corrupt, but it is shocking to see how much is actually tolerated, ignored, or even endorsed by our government. These massive and powerful companies, along with federal support, are violating the rights of healthy eating for everyone.

In the film, Noel Kramers of the California Farm Bureau says that the bureau is against labeling because it "creates unnecessary fear in the consumer's mind." Do you agree with this reasoning? Why or why not?

Since when should people need to fear what they are eating? If the labeling reveals nasty secrets about ingredients or food processing, then there is obviously something terribly wrong with the way its being done. Unfortunately, we are at the point where we have no idea what we're actually eating. Therefore, labeling would establish the NECESSARY fear in the consumer's mind to show possible health or safety concerns.

Kevin's mother says, "Sometimes it feels like industry was more protected than my son." What do you think of her words?

This a sad, but true statement. I feel like industry will always be protected more than the rights or concerns of individual people. Big companies, especially those supported by the government agencies, have the most power and control of what happens in the country. Hopefully, Kevin's mother will eventually have some justice for her tragic experience and continue fighting for the rights of American consumers.